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GSA Newsletter: October 3, 2021

GSA Meals

Dinner: Wednesday, Oct. 6, 5:30 p.m.
Lunch: Wednesday, Oct. 20, 11:30 a.m.
Holmes Dining Hall
Registration Form

Join your fellow graduate students for a meal at Holmes Dining Hall. All GSA lunches & dinners are hosted by Biological Education, Ph.D. student Karina Sanchez. Meals provided by the GSA.

UNC Homecoming Activities 2021

town hall
Graduate School Town Hall Meetings

Monday, Oct. 11, 2-3 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 12, 11a.m.-noon
Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2-3 p.m.
All meetings via Zoom
Register Here

Meet with Graduate School leadership to discuss graduate student concerns. Town Hall meetings will also be to discuss the possible transition of the Graduate Student Association to an elected government. Registered graduate students will be emailed Outlook invites with Zoom meeting links. Sign up to attend any / all of these town hall meetings.

GSA Meeting with President Feinstein

Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021
10:30-11:30 a.m.
Location: Zoom meeting
Registration Form

The GSA is hosting monthly meetings for graduate students with President Feinstein. Ask questions and bring up your concerns. All graduate programs are encouraged to have at least one representative present.

College of Natural Health Sciences: Committee Nominees

Nomination Form
NHS will be holding elections for graduate students to serve on the following committees:

Equity & Inclusion Committee (EIC): One grad student needed. This committee is charged with supporting NHS in creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment for all members of the college community so that diversity and equitable and inclusive practices permeate every aspect of NHS (curriculum, pedagogy, assessment; policies, professional behaviors, etc.). The EIC will bring a DEI perspective to the standing committees in NHS with core members of the EIC committee serving as ex officio members on other standing committees to bring attention to DEI issues across the college. The committee will also coordinate with other College EI committees, the Office of Equity and Inclusion and with EI initiatives across campus. The EIC will bring recommendations to the Dean and the Leadership Team for further action and approval. The core committee members will, in consultation with the Dean and the NHS Leadership Team, identify the initiatives the committee will take on each academic year. Time requirement: estimated 3-4 hours / month. Compensation: none. 

Research, Scholarly Activity, and Creative Works (RSCW) Advisory Board: Two grad students needed. The committee is an advisory body for the Dean and Leadership Team for research, scholarly activities and creative works and provides recommendations of policy changes and other actions. The core committee members will, in consultation with the Dean and the NHS Leadership Team, identify the initiatives the committee will take on each academic year. Time requirement: estimated 4 hours / month. Compensation: none.

If you would like to nominate someone / yourself (must be a current College of Natural & Health Sciences graduate student) for one of these positions, please fill out the nomination form. Nominations will close on Oct. 11, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.

Tobey-Kendel Dining Hall Closing for the Year

From UNC Dining Services

Update as of Sept. 29: Tobey-Kendel Dining Room will be closing for the remainder of the year after this weekend. Dinner on Sunday, October 3rd will be the last meal served at TK. Starting Monday, Oct. 4, please join us at Holmes Dining Hall or Holmes Gourmet To Go for your dining room meals.

We understand this may cause some inconvenience for our guests, so we added a couple of new features for our On Campus Meal Plan holders (5/10/14/19 Meals Per Week or the Any Meal/Any Time meal plan). Students who carry one of these meal plans will be able to use up to five meal swipes in Einstein Bros® Bagels or Subway® in the University Center. (Meals reset weekly, so you'll get to use those five meals each week.) Students living on Central Campus who cannot get to Holmes on the weekends will be able to pre-order their weekend meals by Wednesdays and pick them up on Fridays.

An email with more details and information will be going out to students within the coming week.

New VP for Student Affairs: Cedric Howard
From UNC News

University of Northern Colorado (UNC) has chosen Cedric Howard, Ed.D., as the university's new  vice president for Student Affairs. Howard, who was selected through a national search the university launched last May, will start his position on Dec. 6, 2021. 

“I am very excited that Dr. Cedric Howard will join UNC to be our next vice president for student affairs,” said UNC President Andy Feinstein. “This position is an important part of my leadership team and works across the university to ensure that students have a holistic educational experience best prepared to contribute to their growth and development no matter where they are in their academic journey. In Dr. Howard, UNC gains a proven, student-centered leader and  another advocate for our students in the management of Student Affairs operations, decision making, and long-term planning. He truly embodies our common commitments to being a Students First institution and I hope everyone will join me in welcoming him into our community of UNC Bears.”  

Howard brings more than 25 years of higher education experience to UNC, much of that in senior-level administrative positions, including vice president and vice chancellor of Enrollment and Student Services and dean of Student Affairs, where he has helped deliver measurable results while prioritizing student achievement. 

Read more about the expertise and success Howard is bringing to UNC.

open forums
Graduate Students Attended VP for Student Affairs Open Forums

Thank you to the graduate students that attended the student open forums for the various candidates for VP of Student Affairs: Adam ZhaoDanielle AnaneaDanny GarciaDavid ShimokawaTyler Hajek and Salaheddin Sharif. If you attended one or more of the open forums, and were not on this list, just send an email to GSA Director David Shimokawa to be included in an upcoming newsletter. 

grant funding

GSA Grant Cycle 02 
The Grant Cycle 02 application is now closed. Students who missed the Cycle 02 application deadline can apply in Grant Cycle 03 as long as their activity takes on Sept. 1, 2021, or later. Students cannot submit a Cycle 03 application for activity that took place prior to Sept. 1. Applicants for Grant Cycle 02 are:

  • Alicia Romano (SES: Sport Administration, Ph.D.)
  • Alison Mills (Audiology, Au.D.)
  • Anna Margiotta (Chemical Education, Ph.D.)
  • Arjun Ramani (SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.)
  • Ashley Coburn (School Psychology, Ph.D.)
  • Ashley Howe (Audiology, Au.D.)
  • Audrey Tocco (Educational Psychology, Ph.D.)
  • Bomin Paek (SES: Sport Administration, Ph.D.)
  • Brandon Jones (SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.)
  • Caitlyn McKnight (Counselor Education & Supervision, Ph.D.)
  • Dalal Alrmuny (Technology, Innovation, & Pedagogy, Ph.D.)
  • Danielle Wong (SES: Social Psychology of Sport & Physical Activity, Ph.D.)
  • Jacob Kisiolek (SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.)
  • Justine Wright (Audiology, Au.D.)
  • Kelsey Harris (Audiology, Au.D.)
  • Lani Irvin (Biological Education, Ph.D.)
  • Lexi Wimmer (Counselor Education & Supervision, Ph.D.)
  • Lisa Paulson (PEPAL, Ph.D.)
  • Logan Schuetz (SES: Sport Administration, Ph.D.)
  • Luke Krynski (SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.)
  • Mackenzie Quinn (Audiology, Au.D.)
  • Maya Schmidt (Counselor Education & Supervision, Ph.D.)
  • Michelle Delgado (Public Health, MPH)
  • Miranda Martino (School Psychology, Ph.D.)
  • Nancy Potter (School Psychology, Ph.D.)
  • Ryan Cheuk Ming Cheung (Counselor Education & Supervision, Ph.D.)
  • Samuel Pennington (Audiology, Au.D.)
  • Taemin Ha (PEPAL, Ph.D.)
  • Travis Russo (SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.)
  • Veronica Adams (PEPAL, Ph.D.)
  • Victoria Flores (SES: Exercise Physiology, Ph.D.)

Cycle 02 grant applicants should check their UNC Bear Mail regularly. Notices for application edits will be sent out on, or before, Oct. 29, 2021, with corrections required within two business days. 

How much are students spending (on average) to attend conferences? Closest guess (without going over) wins a prize!
Guess the average cost of conference attendance for UNC Grad Students

masters prep
Master's Prep Online

submitted by Maggie Shawcross, UNC Librarian
October 5-6, 2021
5-7:10 p.m. MDT
Register Now: http://bit.ly/MastersPrep 


  • Effective and efficient reading and note-taking
  • Advice for first-gen grad students
  • Writing a lit review
  • Advice from librarians

job fair
UNC Job, Internship, & Graduate School Fair

Wednesday, Oct. 13
1-4 p.m.
University Center Ballrooms

Employer fairs and events are hosted by Center for Career Readiness in an effort to connect students with local and national employers. The Center for Career Readiness will be hosting our Fall Fairs for 2021 in-person. Fair registration for Fall 2021 is open to employers through Handshake.

UNC Police Reports
Daily Crime Logs: May 31-September 26, 2021
2021 UNC Campus Security & Fire Safety Report


IM&T Asking Employees to Hold Off on Installing Windows 11 Update
From UNC Today

On Tuesday, Oct. 5, Microsoft will release Windows 11 to the world. UNC computers on Windows may be prompted to install Windows 11. IM&T does not recommend installing this new OS on university-owned devices until IM&T is able to verify that the final release is fully compatible with university systems and software. If your UNC computer is prompted to install Windows 11 it is highly suggested to decline the install at this time. While we do not anticipate any campus wide issues related to the new OS, we are recommending for users to wait.

student senate
Student Senate Report
Meeting Minutes from Sept. 15, 2021
Legislation Passed & Voting Record (Creation of the Committee for Elections, Environmental Senate Committee)

GSA Director, David Shimokawa (SES: Sport Administration, Ph.D. program), attended the Student Senate business meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 15, on behalf of graduate students. There are no graduate students serving as senators for their college at this time.

faculty senate
Faculty Senate Report
Meeting minutes from August 30, 2021

GSA representative, Yohan Lee (SES: Sport Administration, Ph.D. program), attended the Faculty Senate meeting on Monday, Aug. 30, on behalf of graduate students. There are no graduate students serving as official representatives on Faculty Senate at this time.


Scholarly Writing Free Webinar Series
Submitted by Maria Lahman, Ph.D.

Learn from experienced academic writers.These webinars are designed to help all scholarly writers, from students to published authors, enhance skills through the entire writing process. Register now to learn from this great line up of writing experts. Topics include:

  • Humanizing the Research Writing Process
  • Developing Your Scholarly Voice: How to Paraphrase, Make Claims, and Synthesize Literature
  • Publish & Persevere: Writing & Representing Qualitative Research (presented by Maria Lahman, Ph.D.)
  • Completing a Service-Oriented Dissertation or Thesis: Key Considerations for Success

Register Here

equitable partnerships
Free Webinar: Building Equitable Partnerships in International Research

Thursday, Oct. 21
9 a.m. (MT)
Register Here

How can we partner in international research in ethical, respectful ways? This webinar was recommended to UNC graduate students by UNC Applied Statistics & Research Methods professor, and Methodspace Mentor in Residence, Maria Lahman, Ph.D. This free webinar (registration required) features the following panelists:

  • Nchangwi Syntia Munung is a postdoctoral Fellow in Bioethics at the Division of Human Genetics, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Doris Schroeder is the Director of Centre for Professional Ethics at the UCLan School of Sport and Health Sciences, UK.
  • Samuel Ujewe is a Senior Research Ethics Advisor at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research in Ottawa, Canada.
  • Charles Weijer is Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, and Philosophy at Western University in London, Canada.

dannon cox
Sport & Exercise Science Research Colloquium
Submitted by Abbie Ferris, Ph.D.

Hi everyone!
It’s so exciting to be back on campus and see everyone! I’m excited to announce that we are starting the SES Colloquium again this semester now that we are all back on campus. For those of you who are new, here’s a little background on the Colloquium and its goals.

The goals of these meetings will be to provide an opportunity for graduate students to: present their work to their peers and the school, learn/be informed of research in all program areas in the school, and provide an opportunity for students to interact with other researchers (both internal and external).

The Colloquium will be held twice a semester for Ph.D. students and faculty. Master’s students are
highly encouraged to attend. Students who cannot attend due to teaching/class conflict are excused. The faculty recognize that this is an additional ask of your time during the semester. However, we all feel that it is highly beneficial for your education to attend these meetings. As such, we as faculty are committed to attending these meetings as well and will present our work occasionally.

This semester, we will hold our meetings
Wednesday, Oct. 13, and Nov. 10, at 8 a.m. Yes, I know it’s early, but it also seems to be the best time when most do not have teaching or class attendance requirements. Meetings will be held in Gunter 2530.

I am pleased to announce that our first speaker will be none other than our very own Dr. Hydock! He will be presenting on Transgender Sport. His presentation will prove to be very informative and exciting!

For the November slot, I would really like to see student presentations. This is a great opportunity to practice research presentations for conferences, proposals, etc. Depending on the need/response, we can likely accommodate two speakers. If you are interested, speak with your advisor then shoot me an email and I will get you scheduled.

I look forward to starting these colloquiums again and seeing everyone there,
Dr. Ferris

Health Insurance for Graduate Students

Do you have UNC's Student Health Insurance, Colorado Medicaid, or some other form of insurance? Please take this optional survey (estimated time: one minute). A prize winner will be selected at random from completed surveys.

Graduate Student Health Insurance Survey

maria lahman
Book Release Celebration: Writing & Representing Qualitative Research
(by Maria Lahman, Ph.D.)
Wednesday, Oct. 27, 2021
7-8 p.m. MT

Please join us virtually for Dr. Lahman’s book release celebration for Writing and Repersenting Qualitative Research with SAGE publishers. Attendees will have the chance to:

  • Ask a panel of former and current graduate students who wrote textboxes for the book question about the writing process.
  • Ask Dr. Lahman questions
  • Enter drawings for the textbook and other prizes.
  • Connect to others — Qualitative is Stronger in Community!

Campus & Community Events (Oct. 4-24)

Monday, Oct. 4
Defense of Dissertation: Nathan Smith Jones, Educational Studies, 10:30 a.m.
Jazz in the Garden Theater, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Defense of Dissertation, Darci Jo McCall, Nursing Education, 1 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 5
UNC Symphonic Band & Concert Band, 7:30-9:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 6
Oral Comprehensive Exam: Kristofer Felix Kintner Reiser, Chemistry Education, 8 a.m.
Oral Comprehensive Exam: Simon Lewis Cropp, 9 a.m.
Preparing for Inclusive Teaching Workshop Series: Supporting Student Success with an Equity-Minded Syllabus, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Oral Comprehensive Exam: Attakorn Sookjaeng, Music, 12:40 p.m.
GSA Dinner, 5:30 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 7
Oral Comprehensive Exam: Marina Rodriguez, HESAL, 12 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 8
Farr Library Family Storytime, 10:30-11 a.m.
UNC Bonfire & Fireworks, time/location TBD
Aims Drive-in-Movie: Beetlejuice, dusk

Saturday, Oct. 9
Greeley Farmers Market, 8 a.m.-noon
UNC Homecoming

Sunday, Oct. 10
UNC Soccer vs. University of Montana, noon-2:30 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 11
LGBTQ+ Graduate Affinity Group

Tuesday, Oct. 12
UNC Volleyball vs. University of Idaho, 6-8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 13
Stand-up-Paddleboard Yoga, 6-7 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 14
Defense of Dissertation: Meagan Chelsea Brown Varona, Educational Studies, 11 a.m.

Saturday, Oct. 16
Bike to Farmer's Market
Greeley Farmers Market, 8 a.m.-noon
UNC Volleyball vs. Eastern Washington University, 2-4:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 19
Preparing for Inclusive Teaching Workshop Series: Examining Race Relations & Racism, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 20
GSA Lunch, 11:30 a.m.

Thursday, Oct. 21
Alumni Career Panel: Careers in Government, 4-5 p.m.

Friday, Oct. 22
UNC Soccer vs. Idaho State University, 7-9 p.m. 

Saturday, Oct. 23
Recharge Hike, all day
Greeley Farmers Market, 8 a.m.-noon

Sunday, Oct. 24
UNC Soccer vs. Weber State University, noon-2:30 p.m. 
Beethoven in the Rockies: Piano Music of Jim Klein & Ian Jamison, 3-5 p.m.


Contact Your Representatives / Leadership at UNC

UNC Graduate Student Association

UNC Student Senate

UNC Student Judiciary

UNC President's Leadership Council

Contact Your Representatives / Leadership in Government

Greeley City Council

U.S. Senate (Colorado)

U.S. House of Representatives (Colorado)

U.S. President
President Joe Biden http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ 

submit news
Graduate Student News Wanted
Do you have exciting news to share from your program or personal life? Been published or received an award? The GSA is looking for graduate achievements to mention in our newsletter and on our websites. Please send any info to GSA Administrative Assistant Francis.To@svztur.com