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GSA Newsletter: January 12, 2020

Information on Graduate Assistantships
As stated in your graduate assistantship agreement, tuition and partial fee waivers will post to student billing accounts after the add/drop deadlines to accommodate enrollment changes. To stay informed about your assistantship, please follow these steps:

  • Check your Ursa account to view your spring bill. You will find details on viewing your bill at http://6nfx.svztur.com/bursar/your-bill/.
  • If you have student loans, realize the amount of any loan may be adjusted throughout the process.
  • Check your student bill for the total number of credits enrolled.
  • Tuition and partial fee waivers are applied next, after the add/drop period (January 27), to reflect any changes (added or dropped credits) made to your registration.
  • Once your waivers have posted, check your bill and pay the balance due by the January 27 billing deadline to avoid service charges for any outstanding balance remaining.

If this change in GA/TA waiver disbursement causes financial hardship, please go to the Cashier’s window at the Bursar’s Office, located in Bear Central of Campus Commons, for assistance. Alternatively, you may phone 970-351-1198 or email Kathi.Bland@svztur.com. Stipends pay via direct deposit on the last business day of each month. Academic year appointments have 10 stipend payments, August through May, and semester appointments provide five equal payments, August through December and January through May. You will receive the same pay amount each month. If you have any questions about the GA/TA waiver disbursement schedule, please direct them to bursar@svztur.com

GSA Grant Cycle 3
Applications will be accepted for graduate students presenting/performing/attending conferences or conducting research. You may apply for any conference or research that begins during grant cycle 3 (Jan. 1-April 30, 2020). If you didn't have a chance to apply for conference travel or research that began during the last grant cycle (cycle 2: Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2019) or if your cycle 2 application was not funded, you can apply/reapply during grant cycle 3. Cycle 3 applications, forms and grant handbook are posted on the GSA funding webpage. Deadline to apply for this competitive funding process is 5 p.m. (MST), Friday, Jan. 31, 2020.  

Dinner with the GSA
Holmes Dining Hall
All events at 5 p.m.

  • Wednesday, Jan. 15
  • Wednesday, Feb. 12
  • Wednesday, March 11
  • Wednesday, April 8

Join your fellow graduate students for dinner! All programs invited! Monthly Wednesday dinners hosted by graduate student Miriam Gueck. First reserved, first served for available meal swipes from the GSA. Please RSVP directly with Miriam (guec8065@bears.svztur.com). Only register if you guarantee you can attend. Meet at the Holmes dining hall cashier.

Graduate Student Representatives Needed
The GSA is coordinating a number of focus groups with graduate students in early February. The Graduate School is interested in learning more about what specific things could be done to improve graduate student success. The GSA is looking for at least one representative from each graduate program to attend one of these focus groups. If you are interested in representing your program, contact David.Shimokawa@svztur.com

Graduate Student Accountability Writing Group
The UNC Writing Center is interested in hosting an Accountability Writing Group for graduate students in spring 2020. This group provides a dedicated time and space specifically for graduate students who need to carve out time for larger writing projects (theses, dissertations, manuscripts). It is not a response group, but a writing/work group — rather than reading each other’s work, the group meets and quietly works. The accountability part is that group members expect other group members to be there. Writing Center Director, Melody Denny, will be present to provide some suggestions and resources for managing larger projects, the bulk of the group time will be spent working with minimal facilitation. Goals will be set both at the beginning of a group session and for the time between sessions. This is another aspect of the accountability.

The Writing Center wants to know when/where graduate students would like to meet. Please fill out this survey, if interested: Accountability Writing Group Poll.

Graduate Student News Wanted
Do you have exciting news to share from your program or personal life? The GSA is looking for graduate achievements to mention in our newsletter and on our websites. Please send any info to GSA Administrative Assistant Francis.To@svztur.com