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GSA Newsletter: March 29, 2019



zac mccarver
Student Senate Candidate: Zac McCarver

SES: Social Psychology of Sport, Ph.D. program
My main reason for joining Student Senate is to bridge the perceived gap between Graduate and Undergraduate students. I believe there could be a tremendous benefit to create platforms and opportunities for Graduate and Undergraduate students to collaborate, connect, and create innovative ideas and projects.

I hope to serve those of you in NHS by voicing students’ needs and concerns to administration and Student Senate.

Remember to vote during Student Senate elections during the first week of April. All graduate students are eligible to run for Student office and vote for candidates. 

GSA Rep Wanted: Faculty Research & Publications Board
We are in search of one graduate student to represent the Graduate Student Association on the Faculty Research & Publications Board for the remainder of the school year. The Faculty Research and Publications Board is a representative faculty board that functions to encourage and support faculty research, publications, scholarly activities and artistic productions. This Board makes recommendation on faculty research funding policies, reviews and awards funding to faculty research proposals, and selects faculty members for the Distinguished Scholar Award.

The FRPB has two more review meetings scheduled this year on April 8, from 11am-1pm in McKee 08 and on April 24, from 11am-1pm in Michener 135. Interested graduate students should contact GSA Director David.Shimokawa@svztur.com as soon as possible.

gsa breakfast club
GSA Breakfast Club
Saturday, March 30
9 a.m.
Starbucks Loveland, 1535 Rocky Mountain Avenue, Loveland (right across from Chick fil a).  
Contact: Margaret.Sebastian@svztur.com 
Join your fellow graduate students from a variety of programs for the GSA’s monthly breakfast social. Food and drink sponsored by the GSA (for grad students) while funding is available. Questions? Bringing a guest? Email Margaret.Sebastian@svztur.com 

Graduate Student Appreciation Week (GSAW)
Mon-Fri, April 1-5
Contact: Dannon.Cox@svztur.com (SES: Sport Pedagogy, Ph.D.)
Main Flyer
UNC’s third annual Graduate Student Appreciation Week is upon us! Be sure to let your department faculty and staff know about this special time of year. In past years, the best departments on campus have catered luncheons for their grad students, given out gift bags, conducted prize drawings, and hosted off-campus get-togethers.

GSAW: Free Group Fitness Classes

Monday – Friday, April 1-5
Campus Recreation Center
Contact: Dannon.Cox@svztur.com 
Open to all members of the UNC campus community

GSAW: Meditation Club
Monday, April 1
2-3 p.m.
University Center
Open to all members of the UNC campus community

GSAW: SpikeBall Challenge, 2 vs. 2 tournament
Tuesday, April 2
2-3:30 p.m.
Gunter Green
Contact: Dannon.Cox@svztur.com 
Open to all members of the UNC campus community. Prizes for winners and participant raffle

graduate student wheelchair basketball
GSAW: Wheelchair Basketball, 3 vs. 3 tournament

Tuesday, April 2
4-5:30 p.m.
Campus Recreation Center
Contact: Dannon.Cox@svztur.com 
Open to all members of the UNC campus community. Prizes for winners and participant raffle 

graduate student archery tag
GSAW: Archery Tag, 3 vs. 3 tournament

Tuesday, April 2
6-7:30 p.m.
Campus Recreation Center
Contact: Dannon.Cox@svztur.com 
Open to all members of the UNC campus community. Prizes for winners and participant raffle

UNC Vice President’s Advisory Committee on Climate “Food for Thought”
Tuesday, April 2
5-7:30 p.m.
University Center, Panorama Room
Graduate students are invited to share their UNC experience with fellow students, particularly the support that has helped them along their journey and the obstacles that they have grappled with during their time here.

GSAW: Free Professional Headshots
Wednesday, April 3
9-10:30 a.m.
Campus Commons
Contact: Dannon.Cox@svztur.com 
Dress your best for a free professional photo. Free coffee for participants. Open to all members of the UNC campus community

GSAW: Advocacy Talks
Wednesday, April 3
11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
University Center, Spruce C
Join a statewide conversation on Colorado public health programs. Open to all members of the UNC campus community

GSAW: Office of Health Promotion Public Health Trivia
Wednesday, April 3
8-10:30 p.m.
University Center Ballrooms
Contact: Grace.Turner@svztur.com 
Test your knowledge of public health. Prizes for the winners! Open to UNC graduate and undergraduate students.

GSA Writing Circle
Wednesday Evenings (except Finals Week)
7-10 p.m.
Contact: Elizabeth.Shmikler@svztur.com 
The GSA Writing Circle provides a place for graduate students to receive peer to peer accountability, visit with experts in research and writing, and meet with fellow graduate students from different departments. Bring your own laptop and/or writing materials. Drop-ins welcome!

GSAW: Therapy Dogs
Thursday, April 4
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Two Locations: Gunter Green & Michener Library
Contact: Dannon.Cox@svztur.com 
It's puppy playtime once again as canine therapists come to campus for cuddles and snuggles! Drop-in at any time to get your fill of our visiting therapy dogs. Swag bags available for graduate students while supplies last at Michener Library. 

graduate student yoga
GSAW: Yoga on the Lawn
Thursday, April 4
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Gunter Green
Contact: Dannon.Cox@svztur.com 
Join us for a day of outdoor yoga on the lawn. Drop-in at any time and stay as long as you’d like. This special yoga session is open to participants of all levels.

graduate student social
GSAW: Graduate Student Social

Friday, April 5
5-7 p.m.
High Brau Taphouse (915 16th Street)
Contact: David.Shimokawa@svztur.com 
Cap off Graduate Student Appreciation Week with some food and drinks with classmates and colleagues at High Brau Taphouse! All UNC students, faculty, and staff are invited to share their appreciation for grad students. Stop by and buy your favorite grad student a drink! Live jazz entertainment by the Jack Roben Trio and premium craft brews provided by High Brau Taphouse.

Submit your news to the GSA Newsletter! Email GSA Director David.Shimokawa@svztur.com